All About Dry Eye
Sponsored by the Accredited Dry Eye Centers. Learn the science behind Dry Eye Disease, its symptoms, and possible treatments.
All About Vision
A complete consumer guide to vision and eye care. Learn about eye safety, eye nutrition, LASIK, contact lenses, eye problems and treatments, and much more.
Living Well with Low Vision
This site offers up-to-date information and free materials for people living with low vision.
Macular Degeneration Support
This web site offers free information and personal assistance for people dealing with macular degeneration and similar retinal diseases.
National Eye Institute
As part of the federal government’s National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Eye Institute’s mission is to “conduct and support research, training, health information dissemination, and other programs with respect to blinding eye diseases, visual disorders, mechanisms of visual function, preservation of sight, and the special health problems and requirements of the blind.”
Prevent Blindness America
Volunteer eye health and safety group dedicated to fighting blindness and saving sight in America.
Think About Your Eyes
An educational campaign about the importance of vision health.